
Hayabusa2025: 12th Symposium of Solar System Materials to be held on November 11-14, 2025
Three JAXA Publications released by Astromaterials Science Research Group (ASRG)
Bennu sample catalogue by JAXA released.
Submission site for AO2025 for Ryugu and Bennu samples is now open.
Bennu sample distribution to the Hayabusa2 Initial Analysis Team
【Cosmos blog】 Keeping out the Earth: Protecting the asteroid Ryugu sample from contamination
【Exhibition on Itokawa, Ryugu and Bennu】 National Museum of Nature and Science: Asteroid Sample Return Missions: From “Hayabusa” and “Hayabusa2”, and onto “MMX”(Dec 17, 2023 - Jan. 13, 2025)
Announcement of the selected proposals for the 5th Ryugu Sample AO
【Research Highlights】 Salt crystals in samples from asteroid Ryugu sheds light on ancient bodies of water in the solar system.
【Cosmos blog】 Comparing pieces of our past: grains from asteroid Bennu arrive from NASA
Asteroid Bennu sample arrives at JAXA's Sagamihara Campus.
Participation in the 84th International Meteorite Conference – Of course, the topic is the OSIRIS-REx return sample research!
Update to the Ryugu Sample Database System URL
Submission site for AO5 Ryugu is now open.
Ryugu Reference Project launched.
Press Briefing on OSIRIS-REx Sample Return
Hayabusa2024: 11th Symposium of Solar System Materials
12th AO for Hayabusa (Itokawa) samples
The forefront of planetary exploration at the LPSC (Lunar and Planetary Science Conference) - including reports on the latest research results from the asteroid Ryugu and Bennu samples
【Exhibition on Ryugu】 Nagoya City Science Museum: Special Exhibition The OCEAN –The Origin of Life(Mar 16, 2024 – Jun 9, 2024)
Visit by JSC and Jacobs to the JAXA curation facility
【Research Highlights】 MMX curation protocol for the Martian moon Phobos sample return.
Visit to NASA Johnson Space Center for sample selection for the Bennu sample
Preparation for acceptance of Bennu samples is in progress
Visit to the curation facility - members of the Hayabusa2 Project Operations & Recovery Team.
Announcement of the selected proposals for the 4th Ryugu Sample AO
Hayabusa symposium 2023
【Research Highlights】 A curation for uncontaminated Hayabusa2-returned samples in the extraterrestrial curation center of JAXA: from the beginning to present day
【Research Highlights】 A newly revised estimation of bulk densities and examination of the shape of individual Ryugu grains
JAXA Sagamihara special open campus 2023
【Exhibition on Ryugu】 Tokyo Tech Museum: Hayabusa2 Ryugu Sample Display Exhibition(Oct 28-29, 2023)*Advance registration required
Return of Bennu Sample by OSIRIS-REx, the Asteroid Probe, NASA
Abstract submission deadline extended: Hayabusa Symposium in November 15-17, 2023
Visit to The University of Texas High-Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography Facility
Visit to JSC/NASA in June & August: JAXA prepares to receive Bennu samples from JSC/NASA
【Research Highlights】 Development of Ryugu Sample Database System (RS-DBS)
Submission site for AO4 Ryugu is now open.
【Exhibition on Ryugu】 National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo: Special Exhibition The OCEAN –The Origin of Life(Jul 15, 2023 – Oct 9, 2023)
Hayabusa Symposium in November 15-17, 2023
Announcement of the selected proposals for the 3rd Ryugu Sample AO
Ryugu sample analysis data featured in JAXA's official newsletter: “JAXA’s” Issue 92
Returned Ryugu samples from the Phase2 curation "Team KOCHI"
【Exhibition on Ryugu】 Cité de l'espace (Toulouse, France. The exhibition starts from September 9th)
【Exhibition on Ryugu】 The Hayabusa2 re-entry capsule is on display at the Communication Hall of Space Science and Exploration
【Research Highlights】 The sample from asteroid Ryugu: summary early 2023
Further research collaboration between JAXA and Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) on MicrOmega
Hayabusa2023: 10th Symposium of Solar System Materials
11th AO for Hayabusa(Itokawa) samples
【Research Highlights】 Infrared spectroscopy revealing homogeneity of Ryugu samples
【Research Highlights】 Classification of Ryugu samples based on its surface characteristics
Submission site for AO3 Ryugu is now open.
Two Ryugu papers published in Science by Soluble Organic Matter and Organic Macromolecule Teams of the Initial Analysis Team.
3rd AO for Ryugu samples
Announcement of the selected proposals for the 2nd Ryugu Sample AO
A paper regarding the Ryugu sample released from the Sandy Materials Analysis Team.
Revealing the evolution of Ryugu using numerical simulations: avalanches, and the formation of top-shaped asteroids and rubble-pile satellites
Hayabusa 2022 symposium!
Two published articles on gas analyses from Hayabusa 2 mission!
Article published: Discovery of the Ryugu samples outside of the sample container
Approaching deadline for the second announcement of opportunity for Hayabusa 2 samples: Oct 7, 2022
Extended deadline for abstract submission for Hayabusa Symposium 2022
System Maintenance Info (Oct. 2 to 3)
A paper regarding the Ryugu sample released from the Stone Analysis Team.
A paper regarding the Ryugu sample released from the Phase-2 Curation Kochi team.
Ideas exchange with NASA /JSC curators
The loand period of MicrOmega will be extended.
Abstracts of "HAYABUSA symposium 2021" released.
The 1st Ryugu Sample AO accepted 40 research proposals.
Papers released from the Initial Analysis and Phase-2 Curation!
Two new gloveboxes have arrived.
Ryugu Sample Catalog is Open.
Two papers released from the Initial Description for Ryugu samples!
Ryugu sample AO
Sample Distribution to NASA & 1st Anniversary Events for the Hayabusa2 Sample Return!
Hayabusa Symposium 2021
Curation work for the largest Ryugu particle is in progress!
Usui's article is now published in Science (Hyodo & Usui, 2021).
NASA/JSC has completed the cleanroom for Hayabusa2
Ryugu Sample Distribution to the initial analysis team and Phase 2 curation teams!
Press Conference
HYB2 project's Initial Analysis team visited the curation center.
Phase2-Curation Joint Meeting
Initial Description by MicrOmega
Hayabusa Asteroid Sample Catalog 2020 is released.
Hayabusa2 curation work is ongoing!
Assessment of Cr isotopic heterogeneities of volatile-rich asteroids based on multiple planet formation models.
Fluorescent XAFS analysis by using Transition-Edge-Sensor (TES) was succeeded. Dr. Hayashi is belonged to the TES development team.
Confirmation of the sample collected during the first touchdown on asteroid Ryugu by asteroid explorer, Hayabusa2
Analysis results from the gas collected from the sample container of the asteroid explorer, Hayabusa2
Confirmation of the asteroid Ryugu sample collection by the asteroid explorer, Hayabusa2
Completion of Transportation of the Hayabusa2 Re-entry Capsule to the JAXA Sagamihara Campus
Here comes MicrOmega at Sagamihara!
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