Astromaterials Science Research Group|ISAS

3rd AO for Ryugu samples

ASRG calls for proposals for Hayabusa2 returned samples! For the third Announcement of Opportunity (AO), 4 types of samples will be available. 1) 1-2 mm-sized 22 particles, 2) approximately 15 sets of aggregate samples (5-10 mg each), 3) gas samples collected from the sample container, and 4) sample returned from the initial analysis team, including polished sections, particle fragments, and FIB sections. First and second types of samples (particles, and aggregates) have been described non-destructively inside the clean chamber (microscopic images, weight data, and spectrometer data) without being exposed to the air.

The available samples for the 3rd AO are marked in the database, which will be launched in mid March. All proposals will be subjected to peer review, and allocated samples to successful proposers will be available for a period of one year.
