Astromaterials Science Research Group|ISAS

JAXA Sagamihara special open campus 2023

JAXA Sagamihara special open campus 2023 will be held on Sagamihara campus on Nov 3 and online on Nov 4 (

Our group will hold a facility open house and poster exhibition titled “What is curation? Preparing to receive Bennu samples”. You will be able to see the returned samples and newly prepared clean room, which are not usually seen, will be open to public! The spots to see the special exhibition will be limited to 400 people with first-come and first-served basis at the entrance of Venue 3. We will start distributing a numbered ticket to reserve your spot from 10 AM.

Please come join us to enjoy these special exhibitions, and novelty goods – like the Itokawa and Hayabusa2 trading cards (! We are also preparing new novelty goods only available on the open campus day!

Please note that advanced reservation for Sagamihara special open campus is required for admission:

Nov 10, 2023 Update:
Open Campus 2023 concluded successfully. Tickets for the curation facility tour were fully distributed, all 400 of them, within just an hour of opening. Thank you for your interest. We apologize to those who attended but were unable to receive a ticket. We plan to begin the curation of the OSIRIS-REx samples next year, and hope to present them at the next open campus. Please look forward to it.

JAXA Sagamihara special open campus 2023
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  • JAXA Sagamihara special open campus 2023