Astromaterials Science Research Group|ISAS

Press Briefing on OSIRIS-REx Sample Return

A press briefing on the OSIRIS-REx sample return was held. Preparations are underway at ASRG to receive the Bennu samples, which were returned to Earth by OSIRIS-REx last September, this summer. In the first half of the briefing, an overview of OSIRIS-REx, the background of the sample acceptance, the current state of preparations, and future plans were explained to the media. In the second half, a tour of the JAXA curation facility was conducted, showcasing the setup of the clean room and clean chamber. The preparations for receiving the samples are reaching their final stages, and the synergistic effects of accepting the Bennu samples, such as comparative research with the Ryugu samples, are expected to provide new insights.

Press Briefing on OSIRIS-REx Sample Return

Cosmos blog (ISAS/JAXA)


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