Astromaterials Science Research Group|ISAS


The Planetary Material
Sample Curation Facility of JAXA

The Planetary Material Sample Curation Facility of JAXA (PMSCF)

This facility was established on the JAXA Sagamihara Campus, the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science and is commonly known as the Extraterrestrial Sample Curation Center (ESCuC). It was established for the main purpose of receiving return samples from extraterrestrial planets through the Hayabusa mission. In this facility, curators specializing in extraterrestrial materials are in charge of sorting, maintaining and managing samples of Hayabusa and Hayabusa2 and distributing them to researchers in Japan and overseas.

The Planetary Material Sample Curation Facility of JAXA (The Extraterrestrial Sample Curation Center (ESCuC))


2003 A space probe Hayabusa was launched.
2005 Hayabusa touched down on an asteroid "Itokawa."
2007 The Planetary Material Sample Curation Facility of JAXA (PMSCF) was established.
2010 Hayabusa sample capsule was returned to the earth and opened in the PMSCF. Sample in the capsule was confirmed as an extraterrestrial material. Some materials of the sample showed characters of the ordinary chondrite.
2011 Itokawa sample was distributed.As a part of Hayabusa project, some parts of sample were distributed to the primary experiment team. Results from the primary experiment contributes to the understanding of material evolution process on the surface layer of asteroids, space weathering phenomena, and parent bodies. A part of the sample was also distributed to NASA.
2013 International Announcement of Opportunity for Hayabusa sample Investigation program was started.
2015 Astromaterials Science Research Group was started. This group operates the PMSCF.
2020 Hayabusa2 sample capsule was returned to the earth and opened in the PMSCF.
Just arrived Hayabusa sample capsule into the curation facility in 2010.


Sample Handling

  • Samples handling to minimize contamination and destruction.
  • Preliminary analysis, classification and cataloging of samples.
  • Samples distribution to research institutions and researchers around the world.

Facility management

  • Maintaining clean rooms and clean chambers.
  • Updating analytical equipment.

Technological development

  • Developing sample handling technologies such as electrostatic manipulators.
  • Improving cleaning methods.

Research promotion

  • Providing samples to researchers around the world through the International Announcement of Opportunity for Hayabusa Sample Investigation (AO).
  • Hosting an international symposium to provide latest information about return samples.

Information Disclosure

  • Disclosing sample catalog.
  • Disclosing results of the AO.
  • Disclosing results of material analysis research related to the curation facility.


  • Collaborating with external organizations for technological development and analytical research for advanced research. Promoting educational activities.
Sample handling in the clean chamber.

User Guide

This facility can be available under the Inter-University Research System.
Our group also accept graduate students and trainees.

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  • The Planetary Material Sample Curation Facility of JAXA