Institute of Space and Astronautical Science [ISAS]
- Oral sessions : Conference hall (Room 1236) on the 2nd floor of the Research/Administration Building
- Poster sessions : Online + On-site

- Address
3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa, 252-5210
- How to access
Please refer information of ISAS web page. [external link]
- Note
Wearing a facial mask is a mandate from the viewpoint of COVID-19. Please receive a badge at the campus gate from a security guard.
At the front desk of the conference hall, please let the receptionist know your name and affiliation, then you will receive your name tag from them. Please put your name tag on during the symposium. Please return the badge each day to the security guards at the gate and return the name tag holder when you leave the symposium.
Please click each name of the hotels described below to refer its website (external link).
Online meeting site
The oral session is held in a hybrid style, so the presentation will be shared with online attendees via Zoom. The access information of Zoom will be announced only for participants.