Ryugu Reference Project

The Ryugu Reference Project (RRP) aims to create an international reference for the elemental and isotopic abundances in the solar system using Ryugu samples. These reference values will be utilized by multidisciplinary communities across various scientific fields.

Project Flow

  • Building Scientific Objective

    RRP Measurement Definition Team (RRP-MDT)

    • Scientific Objectives: Define project goals.
    • Analysis Protocol: Establish analysis methods.
    • White Papers: Document and publish objectives and protocols.
  • Analysis

    RRP Consortium (RRPC)

    • Measurements: Conduct analyses as outlined in the white paper.
    • Data Archive: Archive analysis data to the JAXA’s public data server.
    • Publications: Publish results as scientific papers.
  • Publication



Important Dates

RRP-MDT Activities

Feb 20 and 21, 2025: The 9th MDT meeting

At the 9th RRP-MDT meeting, we discussed the guidelines for writing and publishing a paper summarizing the MDT activities to date. MDT Chair Yokoyama led the discussion, and we discussed the chapter structure of the paper and the writing assignments for each MDT member. The first draft of the paper will be completed by mid-April, and the contents will be reviewed in detail at the 10th MDT meeting at the end of April. The paper will then be submitted to an international journal before the summer, after several rounds of review and revision.
(Tetsuya Yokoyama, Chair of MDT, Institute of Science Tokyo)

Jan 27, 2025: The 8th MDT meeting

The 8th MDT meeting took place on January 27th. This time, we discussed appropriate handling tools, methods, and the environment for powdering Ryugu samples. Experts from each field shared their opinions on the most suitable techniques for analyzing inorganic elements, organics, and volatile components. After that, we summarized the information regarding the quantity of Ryugu samples required for the analysis of each element group and made substantial progress toward publishing a white paper.
(Ryota Fukai, Ex-officio member of MDT, ISAS/JAXA)

Jan 16, 2025: The 7th MDT meeting

At the 7th RRP-MDT meeting , Maria Schonbachler and Fred Moynier provided an overview of techniques for measuring Hg concentration, as well as concentration and isotope data for chondrites. They also addressed challenges such as nugget effects and the potential for Hg contamination in chondrites. Following this, they shared preliminary Hg concentration data of Ryugu and discussed the mass requirements for a homogenized powder prepared from Ryugu samples.
(Maria Schönbächler, MDT member, ETH Zurich)

Jan 9, 2025: The 6th MDT meeting

In the 6th RRP-MDT meeting, we discussed the analytical techniques for light elements (CNHOS) (e.g., non-destructive XRF and destructive EA-IRMS methods) and potential weight requirements (wt%) for bulk measurements with those isotopic compositions (‰) in Ryugu sample. Danny P. Glavin and Hikaru Yabuta commented on the previous reports summarizing the initial results of the Ryugu samples. Tetsuya Yokoyama gave an additional explanation of the Oxygen (wt%) evaluation, both in terms of previous reports and how to proceed as RRP. Then, we proposed an analytical plan to determine the abundance (wt%) and isotopic compositions (‰) of light elements (CNHOS) using homogenized fine powders from Ryugu sample.
(Yoshinori Takano, MDT member, JAMSTEC)

Dec 19, 2024: The 5th MDT meeting

At the 5th RRP-MDT meeting we discussed the analytical techniques, the type of sample and the mass required to get a bulk measurement of noble gases and halogens in Ryugu samples. Henner Busemann and Guillaume Avice presented an overview of what we already know from preliminary analyses of Ryugu particles. They then presented an analytical plan during which noble gases and halogens could be measured on a homogenized powder prepared from Ryugu samples.
(Guillaume Avice , MDT member, Université Paris Cité, Institut de physique du globe de Paris, CNRS)

Nov 26, 2024: The 4th MDT meeting

At the 4th RRP-MDT meeting, we discussed the specific analytical methods for Group-1 (major elements/XRF) and Group-2 and -3 (major+trace elements/ICP-MS), based on the grouping of target elements for analysis presented by the Chair (T. Yokoyama) at the previous meeting.
First, we listed the advantages and disadvantages of various analytical techniques with respect to XRF and ICP-MS. Next, we discussed the sample amounts to be used for each group. Finally, we proposed the analytical scheme that we thought would be most effective at this point.
At the next meeting we will discuss Group-4 and -5.
(Tetsuya Yokoyama, Chair of MDT, Institute of Science Tokyo)

Nov 13, 2024: Hayabusa Symposium 2024

Dr. Yokoyama, the chair of the MDT, presented an overview of the RRP and MDT activities.
 Abstract is here.
 Presentation is here.

Nov 5, 2024: The 3rd MDT meeting

The third MDT meeting was held on November 5.
Dr. Ashley King gave a special presentation at this meeting, reviewing the petrologic and mineralogical features of the Ryugu sample and CI chondrites. In particular, we discussed the petrologic and mineralogical topics that may affect the distribution of elements in the samples. In the latter half of the meeting, grouping of the elements was conducted.
In future meetings, we will discuss the analytical methods and precision of each group, which should be the core of the MDT meeting.
(Yuma Enokido, Ex-officio member of MDT, ISAS/JAXA)

Oct 25, 2024: The 2nd MDT meeting

The second MDT meeting was held on October 25th. This time, Dr. Katharina Lodders gave a special lecture that reviewed the latest elemental abundance data on the solar photosphere and primitive meteorites. In particular, the compiled meteorite data was examined from a unique perspective and included important suggestions for pulverizing Ryugu samples.
After that, the team members reconfirmed the measurement methods for each element and the analytical precision, and the second meeting ended.
(Ryota Fukai, Ex-officio member of MDT, ISAS/JAXA)

Oct 7 and 8, 2024: The 1st MDT meeting

The 1st MDT meeting took place on October 7 and 8, 2024. The program executives gave a presentation on our vision and potential goals. There was extensive discussion about the heterogeneity of the chemical composition of Ryugu samples acquired from previous studies. This discussion was further deepened from a mineralogical perspective. Dr. Yokoyama also presented on specific activities and foreseeable challenges, and was ultimately selected as the chair of the MDT.
We are excited to collaborate with a wonderful team of experts and look forward to further discussions on various topics in the upcoming meetings!
(Yuma Enokido, Ex-officio member of MDT, ISAS/JAXA)

RRP-MDT Member

Program Executive (JAXA curation)

For RRP-MDT Applicants

Q&A Session for Applicants

A Q&A session for potential applicants took place on June 18, 2024. The slides of the session are available in this PDF, and the all the answers are collected here.

Registration Form

Documents for Applicants

Applications have been closed.

For more information on the call for applications for the Ryugu Reference Project Measurement Definition Team (RRP-MDT) , please refer to the guidebook below. Please send all necessary documents for application to the RRP Administration Office.


Yokoyama T. et al. (2025) Geochem J. DOI: 10.2343/geochemj.GJ25002

Yokoyama T. et al. (2023) Science DOI: 10.1126/science.abn7850

Nakamura T. et al. (2023) Science DOI: 10.1126/science.abn8671

Nakamura E. et al. (2022) Proc. Japan Academy, Ser. B DOI: 10.2183/pjab.98.015

Announcement of Opportunity
for Hayabusa2 Samples