Astromaterials Science Research Group|ISAS

Research activities

Research topics of ASRG

ASRG's main research areas are:

  1. Development of curation technique
  2. Development of science payload for solar system exploration
  3. Study of extraterrestrial materials (meteorite and returned samples)
Development of curation technique

The development of the curation technique aims at obtaining a comprehensive dataset from the returned samples of "Hayabusa", "Hayabusa2", and MMX without least contamination. Our job is to make a "catalog of extraterrestrial materials" for the community based on this dataset.

Development of science payload for solar system exploration

Sample return missions offer sample analysis potential that is not otherwise achievable in-situ via the present generation of robotic planetary exploration missions. In contrast, the sample returns are limited in the exploration targets and much fewer launch opportunities than the robotic missions (e.g., ~every ten years in Japan: Hayabusa in 2010, Hayabusa2 in 2020, MMX in 2029). ASRG is developing onboard science payloads for solar system exploration missions lead by JAXA and international partner agencies.

Study of extraterrestrial materials (meteorite and returned samples)

Meteorites dominate the collection of extraterrestrial materials in the world. ASRG leverages the curation and analytical techniques developed for the returned samples to the study of meteorites. See the lab webpages in detail.

  • TOP
  • Research topics of ASRG