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Hatakeda K., Yada T., Abe M., Okada T., Nakato A., Yogata K., Miyazaki A., Kumagai K., Nishimura M., Hitomi Y., Soejima H., Nagashima K., Yoshitake M., Iwamae A., Furuya S., Usui T., and Kitazato K. (2023), Homogeneity and heterogeneity in near-infrared FTIR spectra of Ryugu returned samples", Earth, Planets and Space, Volume 75, Article number 46.https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-023-01784-w

Loizeau D., Pilorget C., Riu L., Brunetto R., Bibring J. -P., Nakato A., Aléon-Toppani A., Hatakeda K., Yogata K., Carter J., Pivert-Jolivet Le T., Yada T., Okada T., Usui T., Langevin Y., Lantz C., Baklouti D., Miyazaki A., Nishimura M., Nagashima K., Kumagai K., Hitomi Y., Abe M., Saiki T., Tanaka S., Nakazawa S., Tsuda Y., and Watanabe S. (2023), "Constraints on Solar System early evolution by MicrOmega analysis of Ryugu carbonates", Nature Astronomy Volume 7, p. 391-397.https://doi.org/10.1038/s41550-022-01870-1

Nakato A., Yada T., Nishimura M., Yogata K., Miyazaki A., Nagashima K., Hatakeda K., Kumagai K., Hitomi Y., Soejima H., Bibring J. -P., Pilorget C., Hamm V., Brunetto R., Riu L., Lourit L., Loizeau D., Pivert-Jolivet Le T., Lequertier G., Moussi-Soffys A., Abe M., Okada T., Usui T., Nakazawa S., Saiki T., Tanaka S., Terui F., Yoshikawa M., Watanabe S., and Tsuda Y. (2023), "Variations of the surface characteristics of Ryugu returned samples", Earth, Planets and Space, Volume 75, Article number 45.https://doi.org/10.1186/s40623-022-01754-8

Nakato A., Inada S., Furuya S., Nishimura M., Yada T., Abe M., Usui T., Yoshida H., Mikouchi T., Sakamoto K., Yano H., Miura N. Y., Takano Y., Yamanouchi S., Okazaki R., Sawada H., and Tachibana S. (2022), "Ryugu particles found outside the Hayabusa2 sample container", Geochemical Journal, Volume 56, Issue 6, p. 197-222.https://doi.org/10.2343/geochemj.GJ22017

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石崎 拓也 (2021-)

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深井 稜汰 (2020-2021)

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林 佑 (2019-2021)

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山本 大貴 (2019-2021)

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川崎 教行 (2019-2021)

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松本 徹 (2015-2016)

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FIB-SEM (NX2000)

Koike M., Nakada R., Kajitani I., Usui T., Tamenori Y., Sugahara H., and Kobayashi A. (2020), "In-situ preservation of nitrogen-bearing organics in Noachian Martian carbonates." Nature Communications, Volume 11, Article number 1988. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15931-4

Ion Implantation Device

Nakauchi Y., Abe M., Ohtake M., Matsumoto T., Tsuchiyama A., Kitazato K., Yasuda K., Suzuki K., and Nakata Y. (2021), "The formation of H2O and Si-OH by H2+ irradiation in major minerals of carbonaceous chondrites." Icarus, Volume 355, 114140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2020.114140

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