Publications 2013
* Paper
Fujimura A., Abe M., Yada T., Nakamura T., Noguchi T., Okazaki R., Nagao K., Naraoka H., Ishibashi Y., Shirai K., Zolensky M. E., Sandford S., Okada T., Uesugi M., Karouji Y., Ogawa M., Yakame S., Ueno M., Mukai T., Yoshikawa M., and Kawaguchi J., 2013. Hayabusa-returned sample curation in the Planetary Material Sample Curation Facility of JAXA. JAXA Special Publication: Hayabusa Asteroid Sample catalogue 2011, JAXA-SP-12-012E: 1-50.
Fujimura A., Uesugi M., Yada T., Okada T., Ishibashi Y., Karouji Y., and Abe M., 2013. Hayabusa-returned sample catalogue 2011. JAXA Special Publication: Hayabusa Asteroid Sample catalogue 2011, JAXA-SP-12-012E: 51-366.
Tsuchiyama A., Nakano T., Uesugi K., Uesugi M., Takeuchi A., Suzuki Y., Noguchi R., Matsumoto T., Matsuno J., Nagano T., Imai Y., Nakamura T., Ogami T., Noguchi T., Abe M., Yada T., and Fujimura A., 2013. Analytical dual-energy microtomography: A new method for obtaining three-dimensional mineral phase images and its application to Hayabusa samples. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 116: 5—16.
Uesugi M., Uesugi K., Takeuchi A., Suzuki Y., Hoshino M., and Tsuchiyama A., 2013. Three-dimensional observation of carbonaceous chondrites by synchrotron radiation X-ray CT - Quantitative analysis and developments for the future sample return missions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 116: 17-32.
Uesugi M., Yada T., Okada T., Ishibashi Y., Karouji Y., and Abe M., 2013. Hayabusa Asteroid Sample catalog 2012. JAXA Special Publication: Hayabusa Asteroid Sample catalogue 2012, JAXA-SP-12-013E: 1-453.
矢田 達,安部 正真,岡田 達明,中村 智樹,野口 高明,岡崎 隆司,石橋 之宏,白井 慶,上椙 真之,唐牛 譲,八亀 彰吾,上野 宗孝,向井 利典,吉川 真,川口 淳一郎,and 藤村 彰夫 2013. 探査機「はやぶさ」が持ち帰った小惑星イトカワ粒子の初期記載について. 日本惑星科学会誌 22: 68—77.
Nakashima D., Kita N. T., Ushikubo T., Noguchi T., Nakamura T., and Valley J. W., 2013. Oxygen three-isotope ratios of silicate particles returned from asteroid Itokawa by the Hayabusa spacecraft: A strong link with equilibrated LL chondrites. Earth & Planetary Science Letters 379: 127—136.
馬上 謙一, 松田 伸太郎, 岡崎 隆司, and野口 高明 2013. はやぶさ試料の希ガス同位体組成にもとづく太陽風照射の履歴解読. 日本惑星科学会誌 22: 86—93.
奈良岡 浩 2013. 「はやぶさ」粒子の有機化合物分析と「はやぶさ2」. 日本惑星科学会誌 22: 94—101.
野口 高明,木村 眞, 岡崎 隆司, and 日高 洋 2013. イトカワの宇宙風化における太陽風照射の重要性について. 日本惑星科学会誌 22: 78—85.
* Proceedings, Abstracts, and Catalogues
Abe M., Yada T., Okada T., Uesugi M., Karouji Y., Ishibashi Y., Yakame S., Yoshikawa M., and Fujimoto M., 2013. Present Status of Curation of the Hayabusa-Returned Samples — International AO and Consortium Studies. 76th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Abstract #5147.
Bajo K., Itose S., Matsuya M., Ishihara M., Uchino K., Kudo M., Sakaguchi I. and Yurimoto H., 2013. Development of an isotope nanoscope to examine solar wind helium distribution in extraterrestrial materials. 9th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices '13 (ALC'13).
Ebihara M., Shirai N., Sekimoto S., Nakamura T., Tsuchiyama A., Matsuno J., Matsumoto T., Abe M., Fujimura A., Ishibashi Y., Karouji Y., Mukai T., Okada T., Uesugi M., and Yada T., 2013. Bulk Chemical Compositions of Tiny Grains Recovered by the Hayabusa Spacecraft – A NAA Study (abstract #1017-0945). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Ito M., Uesugi M., Naraoka H., Yabuta H., Kitajima F., Mita H., Takano Y., Karouji Y., Yada T., Ishibashi Y., Okada T., and Abe M., 2013. H, C and N isotopic compositions of HAYABUSA Category 3 organic samples (abstract #1017-0930). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Karouji Y., Uesugi M., Yada T., Ishibashi Y., Okada T., and Abe M., 2013. A Consortium Study for Hayabusa Returned Samples: Fe-Ni Metal and FeS Particles (abstract #POSTER-P203). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Karouji Y., Uesugi M., Yada T., Ishibashi Y., Okada T., and Abe M., 2013. A Consortium Study for Hayabusa Returned Samples: Phosphate-Bearing Particles (abstract #POSTER-P202). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Karouji Y., Uesugi M., Yada T., Ishibashi Y., Okada T., and Abe M., 2013. The Consortium Study for Hayabusa Returned Samples: Metallic and Phosphate-bearing Particles. 76th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Abstract #5148.
Kitajima F., Kotsugi M., Ohkochi T., Naraoka H., Ishibashi Y., Uesugi M., Karouji Y., Abe M., Fujimura A., Yada T., Okazaki R., Nakamura T., Noguchi T., Nagao K., Tsuchiyama A., Yurimoto H., Ebihara M., Ito M., Yabuta H., Mita H., Takano Y., Mukai T., Sandford S. A., Okada T., Shirai K., Ueno M., Yoshikawa M., and Kawaguchi J., 2013. A Micro-Spectroscopic Research for Several Stony and Category 3 (Organic) Particles (abstract #1017-0915). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Mikouchi T., Komatsu M., Hagiya K., Ohsumi K., Hoffmann V., Zolensky M., Martinez J., Terada Y., Yagi N., Takata M., Satake W., Aoyagi Y., Takenouchi A., Hochleitner R., Kaliwoda M., Karouji Y., Uesugi M., Yada T., and Miyamoto M., 2013. Mineralogy and Crystallography of Itokawa Particles by Electron Beam and Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Analyses (abstract #1018-1520). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Mikouchi T., Komatsu M., Hagiya K., Ohsumi K., Zolensky M., Hoffmann V., Martinez J., Hochleitner R., Kaliwoda M., Terada Y., Yagi N., Takata M., Satake W., Aoyagi Y., Takenouchi A., Karouji Y., Uesugi M., Yada T., and Miyamoto M., 2013. Mineralogy and crystallography of some Itokawa particles returned by the HAYABUSA mission. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #2239.
Noguchi T., Kimura M., Hashimoto T., Konno M., Nakamura T., Zolensky M. E., Tsuchiyama A., Matsumoto T., Matsuno J, Okazaki R., Uesugi M., Karouji Y., Yada T., Ishibashi Y., Shirai K., Abe M., and Okada T., 2013. Sylvite and Halite Crystals on Itokawa Particles: Salts on Itokawa? (abstract #1018-1125). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Tsuchiyama A., Matsumoto T., Uesugi K., Nakano T., Uesugi M., Matsuno J., Shimada A., Takeuchi A., Suzuki Y., Nakamura T., Noguchi T., Abe M., Yada T., Karouji Y., Ishibashi Y., Shirai K., Okada T., and Fujimura A., 2013. Recent Progress in Hayabusa Ssmple Analysis on 3D Microstructure and Surface Morphology: Comparison with LL Chondrite and Processes on the Asteroid Surface (abstract #1018-1430). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Tsuchiyama A., Nakamura T., Yurimoto H., Ebihara M., Noguchi T., Nagao K., Naraoka H., Kitajima F., Ireland T. R., Sandford S. A., Zolensky M. E., Abe M., Okada T., Yada T., Ishibashi Y., Karouji Y., Uesugi M., and HAYABUSA sample preliminary examination team members, 2013. Outline of Hayabusa Sample Preliminary Examination Results (abstract #1016-1100). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Uesugi M., Yada T., Karouji Y., Ishibashi Y., Okada T., and Abe M., 2013. Construction of a Method of a Sequential Petrologic and Crystallographic Analysis at JAXA for the Study of the Difference of Two Sampling Points of Hayabusa (abstract #POSTER-P105). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Uesugi M., Yada T., Karouji Y., Ishibashi Y., Okada T., Abe M., and Tsuchiyama A., 2013. A Consortium Study for the Largest Particle of the Hayabusa-Returned Samples (abstract #POSTER-P204). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Uesugi M., Naraoka H., Kitajima F., Ito M., Yabuta H., Takano Y., Mita H., Yada T., Karouji Y., Ishibashi Y., Okada T., and Abe M., 2013. Preliminary Examination of Carbonaceous Materials of the Hayabusa-Returned Samples (abstract #1017-0900). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Uesugi M., Naraoka H., Kitajima F., Ito M., Yabuta H., Takano Y., Mita H., Fukushima K., Aoki D., Ohnishi I., Kebukawa Y., Yada T., Karouji Y., Ishibashi Y., Okada T., and Abe M., 2013. Current Status and Future Plans of the Preliminary Examination of Category 3 Particles of Hayabusa-Returned Samples (abstract #POSTER-P106). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Uesugi M., Karouji Y., Yada T., Ishibashi Y., Okada T., and Abe M., 2013. A Consortium Study for Hayabusa Returned Samples: The Largest Particle. 76th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Abstract #5146.
Uesugi M., Yada T., Okada T., Ishibashi Y., Karouji Y., and Abe M., 2013. Hayabusa Asteroid Sample catalogue 2012. JAXA Special Publication, JAXA-SP-12-013E: 1-453.
Watanabe S., Abe M., Arakawa M., Fujimoto M., Ishiguro M., Kitazato K., Kobayashi N., Namiki N., Okada T., Sugita S., Tachibana S., Tanaka S., Yoshikawa M., Kuninaka H. and Hayabusa-2 Project Team, 2013. Hayabusa-2 – sample return from a near-Earth C-type asteroid (2014-2020): Current status. Goldschmidt conference. Abstract #2470. Florence, IT.
Yada T., Abe M., Okada T., Uesugi M., Karouji Y., Ishibashi and Fujimoto M., 2013. Present status of international announcement of opportunity and consortium studies for Hayabusa-returned samples. 4th Symposium on Polar Sciences, Abstract #OA-P13.
Yada T., Abe M., Okada T., Uesugi M., Karouji Y., Ishibashi Y., Yakame S., Shirai K., Nakamura T., Noguchi T., Okazaki R., Fujimoto M., and Yoshikawa M., 2013. Mineral Ratios of Itokawa Samples — Difference Between Two Rooms of a Hayabusa Sample Catcher. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1948.
Yada T., Abe M., Okada T., Uesugi M., Karouji Y., Ishibashi Y., Yakame S., Yoshikawa M., and Fujimoto M., 2013. Curation of the Hayabusa-Returned Samples in the JAXA Extraterrestrial Sample Curation Center (abstract #1016-1645). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Yada T., Uesugi M., Karouji Y., Ishibashi Y., Abe M., and Okada T., 2013. A Research Plan for Aggrigate Type Itokawa Particles (abstract #POSTER-P109). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Yada T., Uesugi M., Karouji Y., Ishibashi Y., Abe M., Okada T., Yakame S., and Tsuchiyama A., 2013. Evaluation of Modal Abundances of Itokawa Particles (abstract #POSTER-P108). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Yada T., Zolensky M. E., Abe M., Okada T., Uesugi M., Karouji Y., and Ishibashi Y., 2013. A Consortium Study of a Possible Itokawa Particle Bearing Halites. 76th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Abstract #5150.
Yada T., Zolensky M. E., Uesugi M., Karouji Y., Ishibashi Y., Okada T., and Abe M., 2013. A Consortium Study of a Halite-Bearing Itokawa Particle (abstract #POSTER-P201). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Yakame S., Uesugi M., Yada T., Karouji Y., Ishibashi Y., Okada T., and Abe M., 2013. Micro-Nano Impact Features on the Surface of an Itokawa Particle, RA-QD02-0265 (abstract #POSTER-P104). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Yurimoto, H., 2013. Report of O isotopic compositions of two itokawa particles from room B and measurement plan for in-situ 3D-distribution analysis of solar wind noble gases on surface of Itokawa particles (abstract #1018-0925). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
石橋 之宏, 唐牛 譲, 矢田 達, 上椙 真之, 八亀 彰吾, 藤村 彰夫, 岡田 達明, and 安部 正真 2013. 惑星物質試料ホルダの洗浄 (要旨 #PPS24-P18). 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会.
上椙 真之, 安田 秀幸, 柳楽 知也, 中塚 憲章, and 上杉 健太朗 2013. 珪酸塩の高温加熱課程の放射光によるその場観察実験(要旨 #O12-04). 日本惑星科学会秋季講演会.
上椙 真之, 矢田 達, 唐牛 譲, 石橋 之宏, 岡田 達明, 安部 正真, 上杉 健太朗, 竹内 晃久, 鈴木 芳夫, 土`山 明, Park J., 長尾 敬介, and 西泉 邦彦 2013. はやぶさ試料コンソーシアム研究:最大試料の分析について(要旨 #P3-02). 日本惑星科学会秋季講演会.
唐牛 譲, 上椙 真之, 矢田 達, 石橋 之宏, 海老原 充, 白井 直樹, 関本 俊, 寺田 健太郎,岡田 達明, and 安部 正真 2013. はやぶさ試料のコンソーシアム研究:金属粒子およびリン酸塩鉱物を含む粒子の分析について(要旨 #P3-03). 日本惑星科学会秋季講演会.
唐牛 譲, 矢田 達, 上椙 真之, 石橋 之宏, 岡田 達明, and 安部正真 2013. 「はやぶさ」帰還粒子の初期記載作業およびコンソーシアム研究 (要旨 JAXAリポジトリ#SA6000015000: CD-ROM ). 第46回月・惑星シンポジウム.
矢田 達, Zolensky, M. E., 上椙 真之, 唐牛 譲, 野口 高明, Botgger, U., 石橋 之宏, 岡田 達明, and 安部 正真 2013. NaClを含むはやぶさ帰還粒子のコンソーシアム研究 (要旨 #P3-01) . 日本惑星科学会秋季講演会.
矢田 達, 安部 正真, 岡田 達明, 上椙 真之, 唐牛 譲, 石橋 之宏, 八亀 彰吾, 藤本 正樹, and 吉川 真 2013. はやぶさ帰還試料の国際公募分析の現況 (要旨 #U07-P05). 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会.
Bonal L., Engrand C., Brunetto R., Dartois E., Dionner Z., Djouadi Z., Kakazu Y., Oudayer P., Baklouti D., Beck P., Duprat J., Furi E., Gounelle M., Merouane S., and Quirico E., 2013. Raman, IR and Optical Micro-Spectroscopic Investigation of Hayabusa Particle RA-QD02-0163. (abstract #1017-1055). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Böttger U., Alwmark C., Bajt S., Busemann H., Gilmour J.D., Heitmann U., Hübers1 H.-W., Meier M.M.M., Pavlov S.G., Schade U., Spring N.H. and Weber I., 2013. Raman Microspectroscopy of Hayabusa Particles (abstract #1017-1200). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Böttger U., Alwmark C., Bajt S., Busemann H., Gilmour J. D., Heitmann U., Hübers H.-W., Meier M. M. M., Pavlov S. G., Schade U., Spring N. H., and Weber I., 2013. Raman Microscopy of Hayabusa Particle RA-QD02-0051. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #2092.
Böttger U., Alwmark C., Bajt S., Busemann H., Gilmour J. D., Heitmann U., Hübers H.-W., Meier M. M. M., Pavlov S. G., Schade U., Spring N. H., and Weber I., 2013. Raman Microscopy of Hayabusa Particle RA-QD02-0197. EPSC Abstracts #8, EPSC2013-676.
Busemann H., Alwmark C., Bajt S., Böttger U., Gilmour J.D., Heitmann U., Hübers H.-W., Meier M.M.M., Pavlov S.G., Schade U., Spring N.H., and Weber I., 2013. Asteroid Itokawa Studied by Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy, X-Ray Tomography and High-Sensitivity Noble Gas Analysis (abstract #1017-1120). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Busemann H., Alwmark C., Böttger U., Gilmour J. D., Heitmann U., Hübers H.-W., Meier M. M. M., Pavlov S., Schade U., Spring N. H., and Weber I., 2013. A Consortium Status Report: The Characterisation of the Asteroid Itokawa Regolith — A Correlated Study by X-Ray Tomography, Micro-Raman Spectroscopy, and High-Sensitivity Noble Gas Analysis. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #2243.
Füri E., Bonal L., Engrand C., Brunetto R., Dartois E., Djouadi Z., Kakazu Y., Baklouti D., Beck P., Duprat J., Merouane S., Quirico E., and Marty B., 2013. Noble gas (He, Ne, Ar) and nitrogen study of asteroidal dust grains returned by the hayabusa mission (abstract #POSTER-P107). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Fujiya W, Hoppe P., Ott U. and Meier M.M.M., 2013. Lithium, Boron and Light Noble Gas Analyses on the Surface of the Itokawa Asteroidal Regolith Returned by the Hayabusa Mission (abstract #1018-0950). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Fujiya W., Hoppe P., and Ott U., 2013. Boron Isotopic Ratio on the Surface of the Itokawa Asteroidal Regolith Returned by the Hayabusa Mission. 76th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, Abstract #5061.
Grady M. M., Price M. C., Johnson D., Starkey N. A., Franchi I. A., Anand M., Bradley R., Gilmour J. D., Lee M., Lyon I., McDermott K. H., Russell S. S., Sano Y., Schofield P., and Withers P. J., 2013. Detailed Mineralogical and Geochemical Investigation of the Surface and Interior of Hayabusa Particles (abstract #1017-1010). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Gucsik A., Nakamura T., Nishido H., Ninagawa K., Kimura Y., Kayama M., Tsuchiyama A., Berczi S., and Kereszturi A., 2013. Cathodoluminescence microscopy and spectroscopy of a plagioclase particle from asteroid Itokawa: Results of a preliminary investigation (abstract #OA-P4). 4th Symposium on Polar Sciences.
Harries D., Langenhorst F., Pollok K., and van Aken P., 2013. The mineralogy and defect microstructure of Hayabusa particle RB-QD04-0042 (abstract #0047). Paneth Kolloquium, Nördlingen, Germany.
Jourdan F., Timms N., Mayers C., Frew A., Eroglu E., Schimieder M., and Bland P., 2013. Impact history of Itokawa: 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology and EBSD characterization (abstract #1018-1015). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Keller L. P. and Berger E. L., 2013. Transmission electron microscopy of Itokawa regolith grains (abstract #1017-1430). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Langenhorst F., Harries D., Pollok K., and van Aken P. A., 2013. Mineralogy, defect microstructure and shock metamorphism of Hayabusa particle RB-QD04-0042 (abstract #1017-1520). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Matsumoto T., Tsuchiyama A., Miyake A., Yasuda K., Watanabe N., Kouchi A., Takigawa A., Noguchi T., Nakata Y., Nakamura T., Matsuno J., and Shimada A. 2013. Surface morphology of Itokawa regolith particles related to space weathering on Itokawa (abstract #1018-1455). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Matsumoto T., Tsuchiyama A., Takigawa A., Yasuda K., Nakata Y., Matsuno J., Nagano T., Shimada A., Nakano T., and Uesugi K. 2013. Surface Nano-Morphologies of Itokawa Regolith Particles Formed by Space Weathering Processes: Comparison with Ion Irradiation Experiments. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Abstract #1441.
Meier M. M. M., Alwmark C., Bajt S., Böttger U., Busemann H., W. Fujiya, Gilmour J., Heitmann U., Hübers H.-W., Marone F., Pavlov S., Schade U., Spring N., Stampanoni M., and I. Weber., 2013. A short cosmic-ray exposure age for an olivine grain from near-Earth asteroid Itokawa. Paneth Kolloquium, Nördlingen, Germany, Abstract #65.
Meier M. M. M., Alwmark C., Bajt S., Böttger U., Busemann H., Gilmour J., Heitmann U., Hübers H.-W., Marone F., Pavlov S., Schade U., Spring N., Stampanoni M., Terfelt F., and Weber I., 2013. Determining a Precise He, Ne Cosmic-Ray Exposure Age for Grains from Itokawa (abstract #1017-1145). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Meier M. M. M., Alwmark C., Bajt S., Böttger U., Busemann H., Gilmour J., Heitermann U., Hübers H.-W., Marone F., Pavlov S., Schade U., Spring N., Stampanoni M., and Weber I., 2013. The Mass, Morphology, and Internal Structures of Three Particles from the Hayabusa Sample Return Mission, Analyzed with Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1937.
Nagao K., Okazaki R., Miura Y.N., Osawa T., Haba M.K., Tobimatsu Y., Gilmour J., and Nishimura Y., 2013. Solar Noble Gases in Eight Hayabusa Samples from Itokawa’s Surface with Short Duration of Cosmic Ray Exposure (abstract #1018-1100). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Nagao K., Okazaki R., Miura Y., Osawa T., Gilmour J. D., and Nishimura Y., 2013. Noble Gas Analysis of Two Hayabusa Samples as the First International A/O Investigation: A Progress Report. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1976.
Nakamura T. and Wakita S., 2013. Numerical simulation for cooling of the Itokawa parent asteroid (abstract #1017-1545). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Nakashima D., Kita N. T., Ushikubo T., Noguchi T., Nakamura T., and Valley J. W., 2013. Oxygen Three-Isotope Ratios of Silicate Particles Returned from Asteroid Itokawa by the Hayabusa Spacecraft: A Strong Link to Equilibrated LL Chondrites. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1360.
Nakashima D., Kita N. T., Ushikubo T., Noguchi T., Nakamura T., and Valley J. W., 2013. A strong link between Itokawa particles and equilibrated LL chondrites inferred from oxygen isotope ratios (abstract #1018-0900). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Nakashima D., 2013. Analytical developments for ion microprobe analysis of tiny particles (abstract #POSTER-P101). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Noguchi T., Hicks L. J., Bridges J. C., Gurman S. J., and Kimura M., 2013. Comparing Asteroid Itokawa Samples to the Tuxtuac LL5 Chondrite with X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1147.
Pavlov S.G., Alwmark C., Bajt S., Böttger U., Busemann H., Gilmour J.D., Heitmann U., Hübers H.-W., Meier M.M.M., Schade U., Spring N.H. and Weber I., 2013. Micro-Raman spectroscopy of a particle RA-QD02-0035 from a collection of the HAYABUSA space probe to the 25143 Itokawa asteroid. The 4th Moscow Solar System Symposium, Moscow (4M-S3), Russia.
Pavlov S.G., Alwmark C., Bajt S., Böttger U., Busemann H., Gilmour J.D., Heitmann U., Hübers H.-W., Meier M.M.M., Schade U., Spring N.H. and Weber I., 2013. Raman microspectroscopy of particles RA-QD02-0158, RA-QD02-0187 and RA-QD02-0197 collected by the HAYABUSA sample return mission to Itokawa asteroid, Meteoroids 2013, 8th Int. Conf. On Minor Bodies in the Solar System, Poznan, Poland.
Tachibana S., Sawada H., Okazaki R., Takano Y., Okamoto C., Yano H., and Hayabusa-2 Sampler Team, 2013. Scientific Importance of Return Samples from Near-Earth C-Type Asteroid 1999 JU3: Sampling Method/Strategy and Sample Analyses (abstract #1016-1330). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Thompson M. S., Christoffersen R., and Zega T. J., 2013. Microchemical and Structural Evidence for Space Weathering in soils from Asteroid Itokawa (abstract #1017-1455). Hayabusa 2013: Symposium of Solar System Materials.
Thompson M. S., and Zega T. J., 2013. Microstructural and Chemical Analysis of Soils from Itokawa: Evidence for Space Weathering. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #2593.
Tsuchiyama A., Matsushima T., Matsumoto T., Nakano T., Amemiya D., Matsuno J., Nagano T., Shimada K., Uesugi K., Takeuchi A., Suzuki Y., and Ohtake M., 2013. 3D shapes of regolith particles: comparison between Itokawa and Moon. Goldschmidt conference. Abstract #2361. Florence, IT.
Tsuchiyama A., Matsumoto T., and Noguchi T., 2013. ``Space Erosion'': A New Type of Space Weathering Process on the Surface of Asteroid Itokawa. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #2169.
土`山 明, 松島 亘志, 松本 徹, 中野 司, 雨宮 大樹, 松野 淳也, 永野 宗, 島田 玲, 上杉 健太朗, 竹内 晃久, 鈴木芳生, and 大竹 真紀子 2013. 大気のない天体でのレゴリス粒子の摩耗:イトカワと月レゴリスの比較(要旨 #PPS24-18). 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会.
土`山 明, 松島 亘志, 中野 司, 道上 達広, 上杉 健太朗, 竹内 晃久, 鈴木 芳生, 松本 徹, 島田 玲, 松野 淳也, 門野 敏彦, and 大竹 真紀子 2013. 大気のない天体のレゴリス粒子の3次元形状分布:小惑星イトカワと月の比較(要旨 #R5-12). 日本鉱物科学会2013年年会.
野口 高明 2013. イトカワ試料の電子顕微鏡分析.日本顕微鏡学会関東支部会(特別講演).
松本 徹, 土`山 明, 瀧川 晶, 安田 啓介, 中田 吉則, and 三宅 亮 2013. イトカワレゴリス粒子の宇宙風化微細組織の評価:太陽風を模擬した高イオン照射実験との比較(要旨 # PPS24-17). 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会.
* Master thesis
八亀 彰吾 2013. 微小隕石試料中の衝突変成組織に基づくイトカワ粒子形成過程に関する研究.