
PI : Mehmet Yesiltas

Title : Composition, Structural Property, and Radical Content of Hayabusa Samples Determined via Nano-FTIR, Micro-Raman, and EPR Spectroscopy


The proposed research will characterize the chemical composition of 4 Hayabusa samples and determine their molecular heterogeneity using Raman tomographic imaging spectroscopy as well as nano-scale Fourier‐Transform infrared spectroscopy (nano-FTIR) in the mid-infrared. These techniques are non-destructive and allow high resolution identification as well as mapping of phases with no sample preparation. The volumetric distributions of present chemical components will be determined with ~1 µm spatial resolution, and carbon structures as well as their level of ordering will be studied using confocal Raman imaging spectroscopy. The surfaces of the samples will be subsequently imaged by atomic force microscopy (AFM) to obtain nano-scale images of the sample surfaces. Nano-FTIR spectra of present molecular structures will be collected with ~20 nm spatial resolution. Additionally, radicals as well as transition metal ions of the Hayabusa samples will be determined via Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy before and after irradiating the samples with UV radiation. We will monitor in-situ and under vacuum how and where in the samples the radicals and metal ions form. Effects of the presence of radicals and transition metal ions on the mid-infrared spectra will also be assessed via nano-FTIR spectroscopy. Several L and LL chondrites will also be studied the same way as Hayabusa samples for comparison. The results of the proposed work will improve our understanding on the chemical (molecular and elemental) heterogeneity levels of the Hayabusa samples and how presence of radical/transition metal ions effect their infrared and Raman spectra in the mid-infrared spectral region.
