
PI : Evelyn Füri

Title : Noble gas (He-Ne-Ar) and nitrogen study of asteroidal dust grains returned by the Hayabusa mission


We request research samples from the Hayabusa sample collection in order to determine the noble gas (He-Ne-Ar) and nitrogen abundance and isotope characteristics of Itokawa regolith grains by CO2 laser heating and/or UV laser ablation. The first and only noble gas study of Itokawa samples revealed high abundances of solar gases and very low concentrations of cosmogenic neon, implying a short exposure of ≤ 8 Myr of the grains at the surface of the asteroid (Nagao et al., 2011). However, we emphasize that only three precise measurements of the noble gas composition of Hayabusa samples exist to date, and studies of the lunar regolith have shown that different soil grains may record highly variable volatile characteristics (e.g., Hashizume et al., 2002; Füri et al., 2012). Therefore, we would like to expand the existing data set in order to assess any variability of the asteroidal volatile signature. By identifying and quantifying the proportion of solar, cosmogenic, trapped, and planetary volatiles in Itokawa samples, we will be able to better constrain the residence time of dust particles at the surface of the asteroid, and to determine if any primordial volatile component has survived in the regolith material. In addition, the N isotope signature represents an additional powerful tool to link the Itokawa asteroid with a particular meteorite group.
